In this area of study you study the emergence of new media technologies. The impact and implications of new media technologies are considered in the context of the capabilities of the technologies, their relationship with existing media and how they provide alternative means of creation, distribution and consumption of media products. You will investigate the changes, possibilities and issues that arise from the development of new technologies and how these alter audience experience and understanding of the media.
Technological advancements in the media occur within the context of the society in which they are created, developed and used. Such developments, therefore, not only affect media products themselves but also change the ways audiences think about and use the media. New media may also influence perceptions of ourselves and the world. In class you will learn that development, convergence and proliferation of technologies change the way existing and new forms of media are transmitted, exchanged, stored and received. You will develop an understanding that these changes may also challenge notions of industry, ownership, copyright, privacy and access.
Outcome 3
On completion of this unit you should be able to discuss creative and cultural implications of new media technologies for the production and consumption of media products.
Key knowledge
• the nature and features of new media technologies and their relationship with existing media technologies
• creative implications of new media technologies
• changes in media production, distribution and consumption introduced by the emergence of new
media technologies
• changes in the ways audiences experience and understand the media due to the emergence of new
media technologies
• changes occurring in society as a result of the emergence of new media technologies.
Key skills
• identify and describe characteristics and capabilities of new media technologies
• discuss the relationships between new and existing media technologies
• discuss changes in the ways audiences experience and understand the media as new media
technologies emerge
• analyse the creative and social impact of new media technologies, including changes in the
production, distribution and consumption of media.
Influencers - 60 Minutes
The Social Network Trailer
Steve Jobs Trailer
Jobs Trailer
Look Up
Dove Evolution Commercial
Dove Beauty Sketches
Men, Women & Children trailer
Thought provoking questions
Men, Women & Children Trailer
• What were your first thoughts after viewing this film trailer?
• Do you think individuals have a different online profile to their real life profile?
• What (if anything) is wrong with misleading society on who you are through online applications?
New Media Print Campaign - Photoshop your way to beauty