Media Regulation

Why we regulate the media

There are a number of reasons why it is important to regulate the Media. Every day we are confronted with new issues relating to the impact the Media is having on different audiences. As a result of these situations new ways to regulate the media are formulated.

In order to successfully complete the Agency & Control SAC and the EXAM you will need to understand a minimum of 5 different reasons why it is important to regulate the media.

How do we regulate the media

The Media industry changes at a rapid rate, so to does its audiences. For this reason protection is crucial. The regulation of the media is important to all Australians. In this country we have a variety of organisations that are responsible for regulating what we SEE, READ & HEAR in the media.

In order to successfully complete the Agency & Control SAC and the EXAM you will need to know a minimum of 3 different organisations and what they do to regulate and protect Australian audiences.

Australian Communications and Media Authority – ACMA

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is a government-funded statutory body that oversees many of the regulatory practices of the media. ACMA is a media watchdog that oversees many mediums in Australia including, radio, television, internet, film, print publications and video games.

Some of the roles of the ACMA are:

  • Handle complaints by audiences. If audiences believe the broadcaster has breached their code of conduct then the ACMA can deliver consequences to the broadcaster accordingly.
  • Ensure that government legislation regarding the media is followed and enforced.
  • Promote self-regulation within the media industry while ensuring consumers are protected.
  • Encourage broadcasters to act in the best interest of their audiences.