What is the impact of new media technologies on us as individuals and as a society?
Developments in media technologies have dramatically altered the media landscape and the relationship between the media and its audiences. New media is a term that applies to contemporary technology used by media producers and audiences, and the social, cultural and economic practices that arise from these contemporary forms.
Digital technologies, interactivity, immersive content and participatory practices have become a feature of the creation, production, distribution, engagement with, consumption and reception of the media. Media industries and institutions have adopted and adapted aspects of convergence to build and maintain audience share through new forms of interaction.
All engagement with media is creatively, culturally and economically situated. Audiences are media consumers, producers and products, often simultaneously. This is particularly evident in social media where public and personal communication is combined. Such platforms facilitate convergence between communities and commercial opportunities that are developed, built and maintained through common interests and creativity.
Changes in the media have social, emotional and ethical consequences for individuals and society. New media forms, products and processes are often controversial and may be mistrusted or devalued by existing media institutions, some audiences and groups in society. Students examine the technologies, processes of production, characteristics, distribution, engagement with, consumption and reception of media products in new media forms. Students investigate the relationship between emerging and pre-existing media forms, products and institutions. They evaluate the impact of developments on individuals, society and culture.
Key knowledge
- the nature and forms of new media technologies
- characteristics of new media audiences
- the ways audiences interact and engage with the media as a result of the growth of technologies across media forms
- the influence of technological development, audiences, the individual, media industries and institutions
- social, ethical and legal issues in the media industry in the last two years.
Key skills
- identify the nature and forms of new media technologies
- discuss the characteristics of new media audiences
- explain the ways audiences interact and engage with the media as a result of the growth of technologies across media forms
- analyse the influence of technological development, the individual, media industries and institutions
- analyse social, ethical and legal issues in the media industry in the last two years.

Look Up
Thought Provoking Questions About This Trailer:
Men, Women & Children Trailer
• What were your first thoughts after viewing this film trailer?
• Do you think individuals have a different online profile to their real life profile?
• What (if anything) is wrong with misleading society on who you are through online applications?
Photograph by Student titled: Look Closer

Is social media making us more social? Work By: Student
If Social Media was honest
New Media Print Campaign - Photoshop your way to beauty

Street Art Instagram Influencer Amal @ toffyinc

Social Animals Trailer: Netflix Production
Social Animals: Netflix Production
A daredevil photographer, an aspiring swimsuit model, and a midwest girl next door are all looking for the same things from their Instagram accounts–a little love, acceptance and, of course, fame–and they’ll do just about anything to get it. With an observational eye Social Animals peeks into the digital and real worlds of today’s image-focused teenager, where followers, likes and comments mark success and self worth.
The Social Dilemma
For your assessment task you will need to include the following:
- What Exploration and Research you completed before starting your Social Media Campaign. You need to show evidence of this. For example: Include Instagram accounts, Podcasts and or Youtube Influencers you researched.
- Who is your target audience?
- List their Demographics
- List their Geographic’s
- List their Psychographics
- Outline the algorithm that was employed by the Influencer. For example what editing techniques, hashtags were being used to increase the followers.
- AND….Finally submit your Social Media Campaign. If it is a print production, please ensure it is printed and if it is a Moving Image (Youtube) or Podcast make sure it is saved as your name and title of the production.
Student Example of Research, Audience & Algorithms
Here is a good student example of what you need to submit with your social media campaign
Click here to download
A great example of a BLOG written and produced by a student. A fantastic example of a social media campaign that explores the algorithm and conventions of print productions. You will notice the use of negative space, heir-achy, font choice, layout, composition and headlines being explored by this creator. Explore the written, symbolic and technical codes employed by this media creator.
If you are planning a magazine use Canva for templates
Click here for the Canva WebsiteWORDPRESS WEBSITE
If you are planning to create a Blog use this website for templates
Click here for the WordPress WebsiteA business helping you create an online profile
Jenna Kutcher has her own business helping others have an online presence. Have a look at this website and see what courses are available. You may get some ideas.