In VCE Media, narrative is used to describe fictional and non-fictional media stories in all media forms. In narratives the term ‘story’ refers to all events that contribute to the narrative. Narratives are the depiction of a chain of events in a cause and effect relationship occurring in physical or virtual space over a period of time.
Fictional and non-fictional stories are fundamental to the media and are found in all media forms. Media industries such as journalism, filmmaking, publishing and photojournalism are built upon the creation and distribution of stories. Stories are constructed in the form of a systematically organised series of interconnected images, sounds and/or words using media codes and conventions. The creator and the audience share an understanding of both the construction, distribution of, consumption and reception of stories. Digital media forms enable creators and participants to develop and distribute stories in hybrid forms including collaborative and user-generated content, which challenges the traditional understanding of story forms and advances new modes of audience engagement.