500 Days of Summer (stylized as (500) Days of Summer) is a 2009 American romantic comedy-drama film directed by Marc Webb from a screenplay written by Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber, and produced by Mark Waters. The film stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel, and employs a nonlinear narrative structure, with the story based upon its male protagonist and his memories of a failed relationship.
500 Days of Summer Trailer
Cast – 500 Days of Summer
Summer - Zooey Deschanel
Tom Hansen - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Rachel - Chloe Grace Movetz
Paul - Matthew Gray Gubler
Autumn - Minka Arend
Mckenzie - Geoffrey Arend
Vance - Clark Gregg
Alison - Rachel Boston
Production & Story Elements & Motifs employed in the narrative
• Motif - The colour Blue
• Time
• Setting
• Acting
• Characters
• Opening, Development & Resolution
• Sound - Music Score
• Lighting
• Mise-En-Scene
• Point Of View - Rotates between two leads
• Camera Angles
• Editing
Questions to get you thinking about the film text
1. Why and how was the colour BLUE used in this text?
2. How was TIME manipulated in this text to engage the audience?
3. Why was SETTING important to the narrative?
4. Discuss two characters in detail and reason for casting?
5. What important information was provided to the audience in the Opening / Development & Resolution?
6. Who was the main Artist for the Music – Score? Why were they selected?
7. Select a scene where Mise-En-Scene was effective?
8. Discuss two editing techniques employed and why?